You’re in the right place to join the Space Coast Mustang Club! The new member fee is $40.00. With your fee you will receive a club tee-shirt (additional tee-shirts may be purchased), club card, SCMC window-cling decal, access to the SCMC Members Only Facebook page, Newsletters and invites to many opportunities to show your Mustang. As a cost saving measure, New Member packages will now be available at the Club meetings – besides, we’d like meet you and have you introduce yourself to the other members.
Member’s fees have helped the Club host a variety of events … hopefully something for everyone! We host this website, an annual car show, cruise-ins, dinners, parades, picnics, and a Christmas party. In addition, the funds we raise at the events are donated to several local charities as well as our time in helping other car shows raise funds for their charities.
You have several options for joining.
(1) You can download the form below and mail the completed form with a check for the correct amount to the SCMC Treasurer.
(2) You can download the PDF form above, complete the information and bring it with your payment (cash, check or card) to a monthly Club meeting. We have a Club business meeting every 2nd Tuesday of the month (Cruise-ins are the 4th Tuesday). Please look under the Events menu or our Facebook pages for Monthly Meeting for the latest location – it changes from time to time.
(3) You can complete the online New Member Registration Form that follows and pay using a credit or debit card (securely) through PayPal.
Online New Member Registration Form (asterisks fields must be completed):